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You can choose from 1, 3, 5 or 10 card readings. The reading can be either Major, Minor or both Acanas.

Reversed cards are also an option should they come up in your reading.

Click here to go to the free Tarot reading page where you can choose your preferences and then click on the cards you feel like selecting and after you click on the number of cards for your reading a report page will be shown. You will also see a button that will allow you th have the report sent to you by email if you want a copy to referto in the future.

First Page of a Sample Tarot Report

Free Tarot Card Reading

Card Of The Day

Everyday day a new card is choosen randomly and the meaning displayed.

Free Tarot Card Reading

Card Meaning

Upright: Starting Point, Virtue, Impulsive, Nonconformist

The Fool card is numbered zero (0), This is the number of unlimited potential. The Fool card does not actually have any specific place in the Tarot pack of cards. The Fool comes at the start of the Major Arcana or at the end of the pack. The Major Arcana is representative of a fools journey through life which means he is always around so needs no number.

The Fool Tarot card portrays potential, new beginnings and naivety. This card offers the greatest potential for your life where you reach for new beginnings and rebirth. Each day becomes a new adventure with each moment is experienced to the fullest. All desire to create, start and accomplish new goals comes from this card. The Fool card is an indication that anything can happen; where new opportunities can arise at any moment for your advantage.

In tarot readings, the Fool projects a need to set out on a new journey. A journey that is in a totally new direction and unknown.

The Fool is about adventure, new and exciting experiences, personal challenges leading to personal development and character building. The Fool card invites you to take a chance and to have faith in the universe. It challenges you to break free form your routines and be free. The Fool lives a life free of worry and anxiety and does not worry about what the future holds.

The Fool Tarot card often indicates a choice to be made, perhaps one of significant importance. As with everything in life there are many variables and options to choose from and it's up to us to choose wisely. When facing important decisions or when in doubt, The Fool encourages you to believe in yourself and to follow your instinct or feelings. Sometimes this can seem crazy, However, this is the time to put your faith to the test and see where the Universe is taking you.

The Fool is an excellent card to meditate on. If you have anxiety, stress or are in fear. The Fool strengthens courage, improves risk-taking and creative expression that's needed to explore new areas in your life.

The Fool is always complete and whole, healthy and fearless. The Fool is the spirit of who we are. The future remains unknown and like the Fool we must blindly go forward. You are spirit made flesh here to enjoy life and grow your experience. Take a chance and see what happens.

An Example of the Tarot Reading Page

Free Tarot Card Reading